Destruction - This type of magic deals with channeling the elements of fire, ice, and lightning into increasingly destructive properties.Spells include: Conjure Familiar, Conjure Flame Atronarch, Bound Sword Conjuration - This type of magic deals with summoning creatures and creating weapons of pure magic.Spells include: Candlelight, Oakflesh, and Transmute Alteration - This type of magic deals with altering the world around you.This is, probably, the fastest way to level the skill, although technically an exploit rather than an intentional mechanic. (Persuade)' option, which will soon take you back to the start of the conversation and round in an infinite loop. Select the 'Tell me about Maven Black-Briar' dialogue option, and after heading through all the chit-chat the 'Come on, get the truth off your chest. Head to the Black-Briar Meadery just north of the town and talk to Ungrien.

Finally, there is a Speech exploit involving a dialogue loop with a shop-keeping in Riften.This complements your Enchanting skill levelling particualrly well, as with that method you'll have huge numbers of enchanted items to sell, too. Then, you can sell huge amounts of items - remembering to do so one at a time - to level up your Speech. If you have a large amount of gold saved up, you can sell and re-buy your most expensive items, which, bearing the markups in mind, will leave the merchant with a massively increased stash of gold for puchasing.One method is to buy training from trainer-merchants, who also buy and sell goods, and who will then have far higher gold reserves for buying your more expensive items.Buying and selling items levels Speech according to the item's value, and will only every grant you experience for one item per transaction - meaning you should always sell items one at a time if you want to raise your Speech level.

#Skyrim legendary skills full
#Skyrim legendary skills how to
You can buy lickpicks from Thieves Guild members and fences, or alternatively you can in fact use the Skeleton Key, awarded from a latter quest in the Thieves Guild storyline - which we explain how to start in our Faction quests guide - which is unbreakable, but still awards experience for 'failed' attempts to pick a lock. Breaking huge numbers of lockpicks is, we believe, the slightly faster option overall.To level Lockpicking then, you can either head to a location which has a large number of difficult locks to open, such as the Dwemer Museum in Markarth, or you can simply find a lock where the starting position won't open it, buy a huge amount of lockpicks, and get breaking.Lockpicking experience is granted for two things: succesfully opening locks, whereby experience is levelled according to the difficulty of the lock, or by breaking lockpicks, which gives a smaller, flat amount of experience regardless of the lock difficulty.Lockpicking and Pickpocket are two skills which often go hand-in-hand - probably because, to gain access to locked doors, there's normally a choice available to the player: lockpick the lock, or pickpocket the key.